What Will You Do?
When you are in a firery delimma, and are being shot at from all sides, you have friends , like Job, who show up. (Zophar, Bildad, Eliphas) They tell you , #1. that there must be something wrong between you and God, #2. You've done something to make God angry with you, #3.there has to be some reason why this is happening to you.
Everyone will go through firery trials and tests in our Christian walk. It is not the way in which we handle it, it is how we deal with it. Are we going to listen to advice from friends or are we going to let God and the Holy Spirit guide us. There are times in our lives, that only Jesus and the Holy Spirit can help us, give us exactly what we need to get through the firery trial or test. When we follow the instructions of the Holy Spirit, we will do what is right and we will come through in Victory. But if we listen and take advice or pointers from those that don't understand the trial or test, then we get in trouble. We must be like Brother Job. Trust God, no matter what our friends advice is, regardless of the trial, God's Word is a Firm Place to Stand.